Diverge - определение. Что такое Diverge
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Что (кто) такое Diverge - определение

Divergent; Diverge; Diverges; Divergence (sequence); Diverging; Diverged

v. (D; intr.) to diverge from
If a series of approximations to some value get progressively further from it then the series is said to diverge. The reduction of some term under some evaluation strategy diverges if it does not reach a normal form after a finite number of reductions. (1994-12-08)
v. n.
Radiate, divide, separate, go asunder, tend from one point in different directions.
Divaricate, separate, branch off.
Differ, vary, deviate, disagree.


Divergence (disambiguation)

Divergence is a function that associates a scalar with every point of a vector field.

Divergence or Divergent may also refer to:

Примеры произношения для Diverge
1. As we diverge, our languages are naturally going to diverge.
2. and they would diverge.
Particle Fever _ Mark Levinson & Cast _ Talks at Google
3. see where they diverge.
The Future of the Book _ Hannu Rajaniemi _ Talks at Google
4. They began to diverge.
Humans Need Not Apply _ Jerry Kaplan _ Talks at Google
5. Anyway, I diverge.
Going the Last Seven Miles _ Don Walsh _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для Diverge
1. Opinions diverge on how much he‘s changed in that time.
2. Though Iraqis fight alongside Americans, their destinies diverge upon injury.
3. But the two diverge considerably on social issues.
4. From hereon, the versions of what transpired diverge.
5. Another country where politicians and public opinion diverge.